Each child receives an individualized behavior and education management plan developed by a BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst). Goals and objectives are tailored to meet each child’s specific needs and target a variety of areas, including language development, functional communication training, cognitive and executive functioning, social skill development and daily living skills.
Instructional methods are based on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) principles, the science of human behavior, and utilize basic techniques such as reinforcement, shaping and chaining. All teaching is carried out in a one-on-one format through both discrete trial and natural environment training. Opportunities for small group social interactions occur on a daily basis, as well.
Instructional methods are based on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) principles, the science of human behavior, and utilize basic techniques such as reinforcement, shaping and chaining. All teaching is carried out in a one-on-one format through both discrete trial and natural environment training. Opportunities for small group social interactions occur on a daily basis, as well.

We realize that a behavior and educational program is only as good as the teacher
implementing it. Therefore, we are committed to upholding a highly rigorous,
competitive hiring process to ensure that all of our employees share our passion and
dedication for helping our students reach their fullest potentials. Once hired, therapists
receive daily training and supervision by Empower s on-site BCBAs.

At Empower, we believe that consistency across school, home and community environments is key to sustaining our children’s progress and successful generalization of acquired skills. Therefore, we encourage parents to observe teaching sessions and to participate whenever possible. The BCBA meets with parents on a Bi-Weekly or Monthly basis to review program changes and progress for all learning objectives. Finally, the BCBA is also available to work with parents and their child in the school, home or community setting when more intensive or specific guidance and training is needed.