Empower Therapy




(512) - 661- 4387


(512) - 677- 9339


(512) - 717- 5553

Children’s Therapy Center

Children's Therapy Center
Welcome to the Empower Therapy children’s center, which is where every child starts on their journey towards growth and resilience. Our committed team at the clinic looks into providing all-rounded therapeutic support for children of all ages making sure that they have a chance to overcome any hurdle facing them thus living to their full potential in every aspect of life. This is through holistic therapy approach, personalized care programs and a dedicated group of professionals in place who make it conducive for the kids.

Children’s Therapy Center: Competent Multi-disciplinary Team

We take pride in possessing an expert multi-disciplinary team at Empower Therapy consisting of highly skilled professionals specializing in a variety of areas pertaining to child therapy. In this case our team includes licensed speech language pathologists, Occupational Therapists, board certified behavior analysts and licensed professional counselors. Their vast knowledge-base coupled with commitment to quality enable them offer wholesome assessment, based-interventions as well as follow-up involved in ensuring positive results among children.

Children’s Therapy Center: Variety of Services Offered

Empower Therapy provides a wide array of services that are designed specifically to meet each child’s unique requirements within different family setups. We have specialized programs targeting such conditions like speech-language difficulties, sensory integration challenges, behavioral problems or emotional disorders among others which may be interfering with the normal development process. Thus our work involves both family counseling as well as individual or group therapies to ensure that such needs are met holistically.
Child Therapy Center

Children’s Therapy Center: Child-directed Approach

Our customers understand that every child is unique and that individuality must be reflected in how therapy is done for them based on their strengths, interests and goals. Therefore we employ a non-directive approach towards fellowships so that everything we do here focuses on the client more than anything else. The clinicians create an atmosphere where children feel safe enough to explore new things especially if they need guidance during this period when they can grow intellectually even without realising it being so. This is done through making therapy activities based on the child’s interests and his/her ability to participate actively in that process which will make services lively, purposeful and practical.

Family Support and Involvement

We value the place of parents/caregivers within their kids’ treatment program kept up through strong partnership by empowering therapists with skills to develop this bond. At Empower Therapy’s Children’s Clinic, we involve families in therapy sessions so that they have a chance to learn about them first hand. As a result, there are also training forums for Guardians as well as intervening teams who carry out other functions whose objective is seeing each family participating actively in their child’s treatment plan in order to achieve expected developments even at home.

Linking with Community

Empower Therapy has long been involved with our local community and we can proudly claim that we contribute to the welfare of the children in Round Rock, Texas. Through multiple outreach programs, community partnerships along with advocacy initiatives empower clinic helps create awareness regarding children’s mental health as well as importance early intervention support. We therefore encourage involvement from school systems medical establishments and civic organizations working jointly towards an inclusive environment where every child thrives.

Children’s Therapy Center: Empower Therapy in Round Rock

Every child at Empower Therapy is supported in attaining their maximum capabilities and having a happy and productive existence. We are committed to helping children and parents as they strive for growth, resilience, and achievement through our competent professionals who focus on the child, all-inclusive treatment, children’s needs-based model as well as our steadfast commitment to quality. You’re not alone! Your child can be healed because we have a heart that loves people.
We invite you to join us at Empower Therapy, where your child will receive compassionate and effective therapy services; hope, healing, and transformation await you there.
Tagged best ABA center children ages 2-5 years old round rock aba Speech therapy speech therapy for children speech therapy solutions